How to Parse JSON on the macOS Command Line Without External Tools Using JavaScript for Automation

Posted on by Matthew Warren

Last updated on

JSON – JavaScript Object Notation – is the lingua franca for shipping data between systems. Everything from software APIs to web services commonly support, and typically default to, outputting data in JSON format.

Because of its ubiquity, you're bound to run into a need to manipulate a chunk of JSON in the course of managing your fleet.

For example, you might run a shell script on your Macs that instructs them to read data from an external system via its API using curl. That external system returns a big ol' heap of JSON, but you need to extract only a single data point from that payload, then act on that value.

This is somewhat of a challenge in the shell because macOS does not include any native or pre-installed tools to help you hack down that JSON. Administrators often resort to workarounds like shelling out to Python or using sed and awk to approximate parsing.

However, another, native solution is right there in the name: use JavaScript.

JavaScript, JXA and Open Scripting Architecture

It seems appropriate to use JavaScript to parse JavaScript Object Notation, right? But how? Can you do that without relying on external tools?

Since Mac OS X Yosemite, Apple has supported JavaScript as a language to interact with the Open Scripting Architecture (OSA). OSA enables interapplication communication for automation, and using JavaScript for this purpose is known as JavaScript for Automation (JXA).

JXA is built right into macOS and lets you use JavaScript without any additional tooling.

You may be familiar with using the osascript binary to execute AppleScript snippets. While AppleScript is a more common choice for accessing OSA functionality, you can trivially use JavaScript instead.

On the command line, use the -l (that's a lowercase L) flag with osascript to specify JavaScript as the scripting language. Without the flag, osascript defaults to expecting AppleScript.

Here's a simple example derived from Apple's sample code:

osascript -l 'JavaScript' -e 'var app = Application.currentApplication(); app.includeStandardAdditions = true; app.displayDialog("Hello from JavaScript!");'

This will display a dialog window using JavaScript. Easy!

Using JXA to read JSON in a shell script

Let's look at an example where we use the service to query the current geographic location of the system based on its IP address.


GEODATA=$( curl -s )

read -r -d '' JXA <<EOF
function run() {
	var ipinfo = JSON.parse(\`$GEODATA\`);

CITY=$( osascript -l 'JavaScript' <<< "${JXA}" )

echo "This computer is in ${CITY}"

First, we call the ip-api service by using curl to send a GET request to the service's JSON endpoint. The results are stored in a variable called GEODATA via command substitution.

Next, we use the read -r -d '' VARIABLE_NAME <<LIMIT_STRING "bashism" to store a multi-line JavaScript program as a variable using here-document notation. This makes it easier to write and maintain the JavaScript code, rather than trying to smoosh it into a single line.

This (extremely basic) JavaScript program takes advantage of JXA's special run() function. run() is automatically executed when the program is called, and will print any output returned.

Within the JavaScript code, notice the assignment of ipinfo references the GEODATA variable defined in the outer shell script via variable expansion. The JSON returned by is a native JavaScript data structure that could be used directly, but for safety we treat it as a string and parse it using the JSON.parse() method. Since most JSON payloads are multi-line strings, we wrap the variable expansion in `` backticks to take advantage of JavaScript's template literal feature. And finally, those backticks need to be escaped using \ backslashes since they're embedded within a shall script. Whew!

A quick aside on quoting and here-documents: Quoting the limit string (EOF in this case) will prevent variable expansion within the here-document. <<'EOF' would cause $GEODATA to be interpretted literally rather than replaced by the results of the curl command. The unquoted <<EOF allows the variable to expand as expected.

Next, we simply return the city attribute of the ipinfo object.

Finally, we use the osascript binary to run the JavaScript program. osascript can read input from stdin, so we use <<< to read the program stored in the JXA variable. Storing its output in the CITY variable lets us use it elsewhere in the shell script. In this case we're outputting a nice message. Running the script will print This computer is in Atlanta (or your approximate location) to your terminal.

That was an extremely verbose explanation of a very basic program! But, hopefully it helps explain the patterns being used here. Now let's try something more complex.

Complex JSON manipulation

Our next example will demonstrate the power of JavaScript's native JSON capabilities. It's a neat trick to pull a single attribute out of a simple JSON payload – but it's actually useful to manipulate the data using conditional logic.

Here we'll pull the recent commit history of the AutoPkg GitHub repository, then retrieve the commits whose commit message length is longer than the soft 50-character recommended maximum length.

Here's the code:


GITHUB=$( curl -s )

read -r -d '' GITCOMMITS <<EOF
function run() {
	const commits = JSON.parse(\`$GITHUB\`);
	const long_messages = [];
	for (const commit of commits) {
		if (commit.commit.message.length > 50) {
			var msg = "'" + commit.commit.message + "' - Commit " + commit.sha;
	return long_messages.join("\n");

osascript -l "JavaScript" <<< "${GITCOMMITS}"

The basic structure is largely the same as in the previous example: use curl to gather data, then feed that into a JavaScript program.

The cool part is being able to manipulate the JSON data in place. Here, we're iterating through each commit and checking the string length of each commit message. If that length is longer than 50 characters, we append that message to an array, along with the commit's SHA hash. Finally, we return a newline-joined string of those commits.

The end result prints only those commit messages longer than 50 characters.

This example would have been extremely cumbersome to implement in pure shell. With JXA, it's just some relatively simple JavaScript.

Reading JSON files from disk

You can also read JSON files that exist on disk with just a tiny bit of extra effort.


read -r -d '' PARSE <<EOF
var app = Application.currentApplication();
app.includeStandardAdditions = true;

function parseJSON(path) {
    const data =;
    return JSON.parse(data);

function run() {
    const parsed = parseJSON("/path/to/some/file.json");
    return parsed.some.key;


This time, we're using using JXA to get an instance of the "current application." This lets us do useful things like access the file system. We define a reusable function to parse a JSON file at a path supplied as a parameter. Within the run() function, we call that parseJSON() function and supply the full path to a JSON file. We can then access the parsed JSON properties using standard dot notation.

Other tools and alternatives

Why go through the trouble of using JXA for these use cases?

First, it's really not much "trouble." I'd be implementing similar logic in another external language or tool. This is more or less adding a thin wrapper. As long as you are comfortable writing JavaScript (or searching StackOverflow), it's very little extra effort.

But why not use another tool or method?

When running code on client systems within a fleet, it's best to use the tools those clients have available by default.

Since Apple will soon stop shipping scripting runtimes such as Python, Perl, and Ruby, you should not rely on "shelling out" to those languages. Sure, it might be easy enough to add a parse=$( python -c 'import json;...' ) call to your script; but at this point you'd just be creating new technical debt. Don't do that.

If you ship your own Python 3 runtime – such as with "macadmin python" – you could, of course, use that. Installing your own Python 3 framework on your clients is a great idea if you routinely use Python code to manage them. Otherwise, it is another external dependency.

Alternatively, you could pull down jq on your client systems. jq is built specifically to handle JSON on the command line and in shell scripts. But again – it's an external dependency.

Using JXA requires no new installations or configuration changes. It will simply run on your systems as they currently exist.

For that reason, I think JXA a great tool to reach for when you need to work with JSON.

Plus, constraints are fun, right?!

Further reading

Interacting with JSON is a common need, but these examples barely scratch the surface of what you can achieve with JavaScript for Automation.

JXA even includes an Objective-C bridge, which allows you to use macOS frameworks like AppKit and Foundation.

The JXA Cookbook on GitHub contains a wealth of information and is an essential read on this topic. It's a great supplement to Apple's somewhat sparse documentation.

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